Cheshire News


  Cheshire Squad A Jan 24Cheshire squad B Jan 24





Gwent v cheshire
Saturday 5th & sunday 6th October 2024

                 VENUE DETAILS:  

                 Cwmbran WMC

                    Oldbury Road


                    NP44 3JU
 - Live Scoring for Cheshire County Games, click link and find most recent Cheshire vs link.

Cheshire Open 2024

cheshire open 2024



Cheshire hold Cleveland to a draw!!

Match Report 6th - 7th January, 2024

Result 18-18

Saturday started in good stead, with the ladies B team, a nice 4-2 win over Cleveland ladies, wins from TJ Mellor, Liz Humphries, Julie Whitehouse, with Andrea Davis getting Cheshire's Ladies B LOM with a 3-0 win 19.52 ave.
Moving to the Mens B, and keen to keep the lead that the ladies had gained, our lads kept Cleveland to a 6-6 draw in the men’s, with wins from Aaron Ayres, Darren Shone, Peter Atkinson, Colin Lewis, Jeff Fisher and Karl Woodward winning MOM in the Men’s B with a 4-2 win with a 25.58 average on his Cheshire Debut.

Sunday saw us going into the day 10-8 up, with every point needed to keep our winning streak.
The Ladies A team kept up their heads, and gained a great result at 4-2, with wins from Jane Stubbs, Ros Hemmings, Beverley Martin who was robbed of the Lady of the match,  by Vicky Pruim who won 3-1 with a 23.45 average.
The Mens A knew that they had a mountain to climb to maintain our 14-10 lead, Cleveland fought all the way, and our men’s A couldn’t fend off Cleveland, with wins from Andrew Green, Perry Davenport, Joe Rowland, and Men’s A MOM Tony Richardson with a 4-3 win and 28.49 average.

We finished drawing, 18-18 and Cheshire would like to thank you to all the players, reserves, committee, supporters for both Cheshire and Cleveland, you were all a great bunch and kept the whole weekend a great atmosphere to be in.

Thanks to the staff at the Coppenhall Club for all your hard work at the weekend !

Tony Richardson MOM Cheshire v Cleveland Jan 24Karl Woodward MOM Ch v CL Jan 24Cheshire v cleveland dfw resultsVicky Pruim LOM Cheshire v cleveland jan 24



Beau Greaves wins Ladies Open 2021

Beau Greaves became the latest name to win the Cheshire Open ladies title. After a hard fought day of darts, she battled hard in her final against Cheshire's very own Vicky Pruim to win the title 5-4. Whilst it became apparent that Beau was having difficulties in throwing during her final, it was determination and a sense of never giving up that means Beau became the champion. A player with so much ability and strength given her young years. I am sure she will regain full potential soon enough. Beau takes home the cash prize of £500.

Beau Greaves

Again it takes 2 players to create a final and Vicky Pruim did more than enough to justify her place in the final after a dominant display throughout the day with Beau being the only lady to take more than 2 legs off Vicky in a match for the entire tournament. Vicky did also have darts at the winning double but on this occasion proving to evade her at the last moment. Vicky has done Cheshire proud and we anticipate that she will win the title in the near future. Vicky takes home the runners up prize of £200.

Vicky Pruim 1

I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of those who attended this years Cheshire Open. With the events of Covid-19 causing so much disruption to normal lives, it was such a great sight to see normal life and happiness amongst friends of old and even new friends. I hope that everyone involved enjoyed the weekend and had an amazing experience with us. I am fortunate to have such an amazing committee and supporters who help to run, maintain and make the weekend run as smoothly as it can do. A big thank you to the players as well for doing their part in being ready for matches and staying to mark the next games. This all contributes to making the weekend as successful as it can be. Lastly a big thank you to the bar staff, kitchen staff and all those at the Coppenhall Club who continue to provide us with a venue that we are proud to call our home.

Best wishes to everyone and we hope you enjoy many more darting events throughout the course of the next year before we see you again in 2022.


 Corona Virus Kills County!!!!
Unfortunately County Darts has become the latest event to fall due to the Corona Virus outbreak.
In a letter sent to all counties from the BDO, a clear indication was given that the current season
is to be terminated with immediate effect. This also includes Superleague.
No matter how disappointed we are as an organisation, we have to respect the health and safety 
toward the general public.
With Cheshire having a rule that states superleague must finish before the county season ends, 
we must accept the current tables in both the men's and ladies sections as complete.
Therefore it gives me great pleasure to announce Coppenhall B take the Champions place in the Men's table 
with Coppenhall A close in 2nd. This season was due to have a nail biting finish but these things cannot
be predicted.
The champions in the ladies went to Rileys with Knights Grange in 2nd place.
Both teams will go to the champions cup to represent Cheshire should the event go ahead.
With the season terminated, it does leave Cheshire top of Division 1 with 2 games to go.
An exciting trip to Stafford was wanted by many but it will have to wait for another time.
Does this mean that Cheshire are champions??? 
I sincerely hope so as we are 77% through the season.
Are we to be promoted back to the premiership???
Again I hope so!
All that is left to say is a massive thank you to all involved for another memorable season.
Thank you to all the committee for their hard work, all the supporting committee to help run
Cheshire darts, to the Coppenhall Club for their continued support and dedication toward 
providing an outstanding venue, but lastly to Lyn Marsden who without, I couldn't cope.
We've seen new faces this season along with some old. All I can say is that it is my honour
to be part of such a great family. In good and bad times we all stick together and that is what
is so fantastic about our county.
If I hear anymore information I will publish as soon as I can.
Future updates for other events, (Agm, Gold Cup, Masters...etc) will be communicated once we 
know the outcome of more government guidelines.
Click the link to view the letter received from the BDO.
Cheshire bounce back to top of 
table with crushing defeat of
In what could be described as a season defining fixture, Cheshire were victorious against a respectable
Cambridgeshire side.
The final result being 24-12 in which a return to winning ways was much needed for promotional success.
A welcomed fixture at home definitely helped in contributing with the win, this coupled with a team reeling
from recent defeat meant that Cheshire found their fight and produced a weekend of brilliance.
The weekend started with the ladies B where an unchanged side from Dorset were simply too much 
for Cambridgeshire to handle.
A 5-1 win gave Cheshire a dream start with wins coming from Kerry Mundy, Amy Evans, Angie Salt and
Adele Probin. Sarah Goodwin tried valiantly in her efforts to come back and narrowly miss match darts
to win her game against the highly experienced Liz Humphries. The plaudits go to our lady of the match
Heidi Williams who claimed victory 3-0 with a 20.31 average. This was the start of dreams. A great result
for the ladies who all can take pride from the weekend.
Moving on to the Men's B where difficult choices were made in terms of selection for this weekend.
With promotion firmly set within sight, a B side was selected to reflect the tough challenges faced when 
pushing into the final stages of a long season. This decision was firmly vindicated with an impressive win
coming from the men's b. Final result being 9-3. Welcomed returns of Dave Bird, Steve Lomas, Mal Barrow
and Patrick Lynskey. We must not forget all the efforts of everyone within the squad across the season.
Whilst every effort is made to give all players the opportunity to play for their county, we cannot forget
like every sport, results are what every team reflect upon.
Our men's b man of the match in only his second county fixture and at the age of 13 years old, giving 
everyone a clear indication of the future progression that lies at his feet, Luke Littler with a 4-0 win 
and a 28.23 average.
End of play at day 1 sees Cheshire leading 14-4. Could the ghosts of A team disaster strike again????
Day 2 started with an exemplary display of darts from Cheshire ladies A. Firmly asserting themselves 
as a team to be feared in this division. The result against Dorset firmly put to the back of minds and 
a result of 5-1 giving the ladies sections 10 out of 12 points for the weekend. Before the weekend
started, this result would have been considered impossible given the history of Cambridgeshire
ladies over recent years. A rare slip from Bev Martin being the lost point from the A but wins coming
from Lyn Marsden, Ros Hemmings, Jane Robson and Vicky Pruim who travelled in from Sweden the same
morning after winning the Swedish Ladies Championship. However it was our Lady of the match who quite 
simply punished her opponent with a brutal attack of darts. Not only Lady of the match but also the 
highest average of the weekend. Congratulations to Andrea Hunt who wins 3-0 with a 25.47 average.
The win for the weekend already achieved after the ladies match with Cheshire now 19-5 up.
Any points now were a bonus but thinking we would walk through the rest of the games would
not be the right attitude, we still need to perform with every game to succeed in promotion.
Moving on to the men's A where Cambridgeshire started to play with more freedom. Was this due
to any pressure being removed given the win had gone? A similar fate befell the Cheshire Men's A
where a loss at Dorset was followed by a loss 7-5 to Cambridgeshire. This was not the happy 
ending for the weekend after all. Precious wins coming from Andy Cope, Shaun Walshe, Ryan Craddock,
Shaun Wilkinson and our man of the match yet again and the overall highest average of the weekend,
Stuart Kellett who won 4-0 with a 30.36 average. Anyone hitting a 30+ average will always be difficult
to play against and Stuart keeps on delivering the results.
The end of the weekend being a huge success for Cheshire with a 24-12 victory.
Many friends have been made over the years with Cambridgeshire and we thank them for a weekend
of fun, laughs and good spirit. We wish Cambridge all the best with the rest of their season.
Cheshire sit top of the table again but only 1 point ahead of joint second London and West Midlands.
This result proves how much of a response was needed and how much the Cheshire squad delivered.
Thank you to all who attended with continued support. 36 players make a team but it takes much 
more than that to make a squad and a family. I couldn't be anymore prouder than right now and it 
is a privilege to chair your county.
Thank you to all the committee, top tables, Callers, bar staff, kitchen staff and the Coppenhall Club for 
their continuous support.
Next game is away to Staffordshire 28/29th March. Again we cannot take this match lightly.
Much focus has been put onto this fixture from pre season due to the local rivalry.
We need to maintain the practice, keep the good work up and push even harder in the final
2 games. We hold the top spot so we have the advantage while everyone else chases.
Thanks to all and see you all soon.



Cheshire Suffer Second Defeat

of Season!

It was a difficult weekend for Cheshire after falling victim to Dorset 22-14.

Could this result be due to 3 successive away games in close proximity??

Could it be the onset of fatigue towards the end of the season?? Who knows,

All we do know is that this result was not the bounce back from the London game 

we desired.

The weekend started with a positive result from the ladies B. Winning their section

4-2 against Dorset was no mean feat. Impressive displays from Angie Salt, Sarah Goodwin

and Heidi Williams with much needed points, a dream debut for our youth star Amy Evans

pushing top of the table Peri-May Yarrow but it was Andrea Hunt who yet again picked up

the lady of the match award winning 3-1 with a 21.49 average. This was the dream start

we wanted but would it last?

Moving onto the Men's B. An improved performance would be needed following the previous 

game against London. However the worst was feared after losing 4 of the first 5 matches,

giving Dorset the advantage taking a 6-5 lead. Could history be repeating itself?

With Ryan Craddock the only winner at this point, up stepped Frazer Hill to win an excellent

match putting Cheshire back into winning ways and showing a captains performance to instill

that much needed fight. After this, wins coming from Men's B captain Jeff Fisher, Anthony Hall and

another youth debutant Luke Littler but it was Anthony Conroy who picked up the Man of the Match

award in brilliant form producing a 4-1 win with a 27.37 average. This is the Anthony we expect to 

see more often. The Men's B finishing 6-6 and Cheshire leading day 1 10-8. 

A good place to end day 1 and take another county win????

Day 2 and the Ladies A getting us underway. Given the form so far from the season, a section

win looked almost certain. This however, was not going to the script with Dorset fighting back 

and taking the win 4-2. Some missed chances from Cheshire were punished and no complaints

can be had. Dorset Ladies were too good this weekend. Wins coming from Bev Martin and our 

Lady of the Match Ros Hemmings with a 3-1 win and a 19.39 average.

The score now 12-12 going into the Men's A. Surely Cheshire men would be the more dominant


What follows next could be described as a disaster with Cheshire men's A suffering a 10-2

defeat. This is not something we have come to expect in recent years. Not through lack of 

trying did this result play out. Every time we missed a chance, Dorset were always there 

to pounce and never missed a score, nor a double. What more could we have done??

Probably nothing. This appeared to be the day where everything could and would go right 

for Dorset. Take nothing away from them though, they still had to hit the doubles which we

could not do. Wins coming from newly promoted Ryan Craddock and our man of the match

yet again Stuart Kellett who won 4-3 with a 25.19 average. On a more positive note,

this weekend saw Peter Boughey complete his 350th county match, a feat that isn't seen often.

Congratulations Pete and hopefully we see you for many more.


All in all a bitter result to take from the weekend with a significant dent put into our 

quest for immediate promotion. Definitely 3 long games away have had an impression

but the run in now sees 2 home matches and a local rivalry against Staffordshire.

We still hold 2nd in the league and sometimes it is better to be in front than chasing.


Lastly a huge thank you to all players and committee for their continued support over the 

recent away games. We know this has been hugely difficult for time and expense but we cannot

thank you all enough. Without you all, county weekends would not be possible.

Thank you to Dorset for a brilliant weekend away, full of laughs, friendliness and great darts.

We wish you all the best for the remainder of the season.

From here on in, we need to get back to our best and be ready for the next game.

Everyone needs to get back on the practice boards and be match sharp if we want to 

win the remaining games. We can do it and we can get a win at home next time out 

against Cambridgeshire 29th February-1st March

Expect some changes for the next game as we do have returning players. We do need to freshen 

the team up and give some players a rest. 

Thank you to all and see you soon.


Cheshire Remain Top Despite

First Loss of Season

The challenge of completing a full season without losing a match was always going

to be a difficult proposition but one in which Cheshire would do their best to make 

it possible. Unfortunately Cheshire had their first loss of the season to London but 

remain at the top of the table with the aspirations of the season still on target.

The final score of the weekend being 21-15 to London.


The weekend began with the ladies B which saw a London side determined to pressure 

Cheshire from the off. London had the edge on this occasion and were 4-2 victors.

A welcomed debut for Angela Salt who gains valuable experience of county darts,

whilst we saw another win from Andrea Hunt.

Our lady of the match Adele Probin with a 3-1 victory and 19.02 average would 

return for Sunday to play for the A side. 


The Men's B followed with quite a disappointing result given recent form. 

A 9-3 defeat was not expected this weekend. Credit where it is due to London though,

Cheshire men did not perform and were punished to a brutal defeat. 

The performance needs to be addressed but I am confident the squad will put it 

right for the next game. Important wins for Paul Goodwin and Mike Warren

but it was the experience of the dinosaur, Peter Boughey who claims the Man of the 

Match with a 4-0 win and a 25.69 average.


End of play Saturday London held the advantage with a 13-5 lead. Sunday

would be a challenge.


Sunday, a new day, a different day to try and bring the points back to us.

The win looking incredibly difficult so narrowing the gap was the order for the day.


The ladies A proved yet again why they are top of the table having a superb

morning of darts. The only surprising detail was the fact it was only 3-3.

Adele Probin promoted to the A winning and Jane Robson with another win.

Heartbreak for Bev Martin who battled illness and missed many match darts

with a gritty performance, to narrowly miss out on the win when defeat seemed

harder. Our lady of the match yet again who has proved to be unstoppable so far

Vicky Pruim with a 3-1 win and a 20.02 average.


Onto the Men's A where both teams felt the affects of PDC Q School with both 

teams needing to promote players from the B, to the A.

This however did not take away the display and tension of the performances with

all players fighting for valuable points.

The return of Andrew Green saw a brilliant display with Conan Whitehead

in a thrilling match. The final result being 4-3 to Andrew.

Wins from Stuart Kellett, Shaun Walshe, Mick Haynes, Andy Cope and Rob Arrowsmith,

but it was Shaun Wilkinson who leads the plaudits with his debut in the A,

producing quite simply a superb display in darts with a 4-3 win and a 30.35 average.

Not only was Shaun Man of the Match, he was also highest average of the weekend.


The final result confirmed as 21-15. This fixture was always going to be tough given

the depth of London and should the defeat happen, a 20-16 result was the expectation so

to be near that, I think the weekend as a whole was not too disappointing.


A big thank you to all at London for a warm and welcoming weekend.

Thanks to all the bar staff, kitchen, top tables, committee and everyone else

for their continued contributions and endless hours of making county darts

a thankless effort for grass roots darts.


To all at Cheshire, thank you again for being part of this family.

Without everyone, we could not do this. Focus now on the next game 

away to Dorset 8th/9th February.

We cannot become complacent. We need to keep the practice going and make sure

we are ready for the next game. Let's not have 2 defeats in a row.


Thanks to all and see you in Dorset. 

Cheshire Make It 4 Wins

From 4!

Another fantastic weekend of county darts were held over the weekend where
Cheshire became the victors yet again against a humble Humberside squad.
The final result being 21-15 in favour of Cheshire.
The weekend proved to be a memorable one with Humberside being fantastic
hosts with the weekend full of laughs, good spirit and utter sportsmanship with all 
games being fought hard by both sides.
The weekend started with the ladies B where another team win was had giving a 
great start going 4-2 up.
Our lady of the match Lyn Marsden produced some exquisite darts to win 3-0 with an
18.79 average. 
Moving on to the Men's B where a 6-6 draw was the final score. The aim when 
travelling away is a minimum draw so a pleasing result from the B side.
Notably first win of season for Dave Conneely who dug in to get the win.
Our man of the match after only his second county game Colin Smith who won his 
game 4-0 with a 25.05 average.
So end of day one with the score 10-8 to Cheshire.
Start of Sunday the women's A yet again put in another dominant display and 
in the end comfortably ran out the winners 4-2. Our lady of the match yet again 
and proving such a valuable addition to Cheshire, Vicky Pruim with a 3-0 win and
21.78 average.
Going into the Men's A with a 14-10 lead, the win looking more likely now given
the momentum so far. The men's a matches did not disappoint with some 
exceptional displays of darts. Jeff Fisher was embroiled in a first class game
with Dave Ladley where it was unfair for someone to lose the match. Jeff 
unfortunately missing out this time with a 30.01 average. Brilliant game.
Our men's A finished their match 7-5 victors with our man of the match
Stuart Kellett who won 4-2 with a 29.82 average.
Final result of the weekend being 21-15 to Cheshire, that now puts Cheshire
top of division 1 table going into the Christmas break.
Big thank you to Humberside once again for their hospitality and wish them
the best of luck for the remainder of the season.
A big thank you to all the staff and committee from both counties who 
help to make the weekends a success.
Next game in London, January 18/19. Full details of squad to be confirmed
and released probably in the early new year.
Thanks to all 

Cheshire Make It 3 Wins

From 3!

Another county fixture passes with yet another win for Cheshire.

Following another successful weekend, Cheshire become victors of

Sussex with a 22-14 victory.

The weekend began with a 4-2 victory in the ladies B which realistically could

have been more. Our Lady of the match was Andrea Hunt with a 19.07 average

and produced a quality 14 dart leg on her way to victory.

Image may contain: 3 people, including Sean Davis and Andrea Hunt, people smiling, people standing and indoor

Next up were the Men's B where a 6-6 draw was the final outcome.

A feeling of missed opportunities prevented Cheshire from taking

more points but to finish the day 10-8 up, was a great position to be in.

Our man of the match Peter Boughey produced what was an exceptional

display of darts, despite recent form, a move back to the B certainly gave 

Pete the confidence to produce the game he has become known for with a 4-0 

victory and a 31.31 average.

Image may contain: 3 people, including Sean Davis, people smiling, people standing

Day 2 began with another demolition from the Ladies A. From the start

of the season the ladies A have been dominant in all games with this proving

to be the same. A final result from the Ladies was a 5-1 win with the lady

of the match again Vicky Pruim with a 3-0 win and a 21.47 average.

Image may contain: 3 people, including Sean Davis and Vicky Pruim, people smiling, people standing

So with the score 15-9 going into the Men's A, victory looked

almost certain now, it was a case of by "How many" rather than "If"

Sussex were not prepared to give up and gave some spirited 

performances, notably Jim Withers who was involved in the match 

of the weekend against Bradley Brooks. However, not to be outdone,

Bradley matched Jim and became eventual victor with a 4-3 win, 

a 29.10 average and man of the match.

Image may contain: 3 people, including Sean Davis and Bradley Brooks, people smiling, people standing

As always a big thank you to all the committee for helping to

keep county running along with all the staff at the Coppenhall Club

for their continued efforts.

Thank you to Sussex for a fantastic weekend and a chance to 

meet a great set of players and also made the weekend enjoyable.


Cheshire currently sit 5th in the table, 7 points off second and 22 

points off first with a game in hand.

Our next game against Humberside is sure to be another great game.

Thanks to all. 

Cheshire Win Second

county game of season
After another successful weekend of county darts, Cheshire claim their
second victory of the season.
For some players this weekend was a new chapter with a new venue and
new faces never seen before, whereas for others, its was a chance to see old faces
and old friends not seen for a while.
The weekend started with a disappointing result for the ladies B with a 4-2 defeat.
Our lady of the match Lyn Marsden with a 17.43
Keep the faith ladies, your all capable and better results will come no doubt.
Moving onto the men's B, they produced yet another victory and the passion 
and spirit could be seen all across the room which is fantastic to see.
A special mention goes to debut Darren Downey with victory and showing the
reason why he deserves a spot in the squad.
The final result for the Men's B was 8-4 with our Man of the match
Ryan Craddock with a 27.07 
Moving onto Sunday which was a total demolition from our Ladies A.
Oxford could do nothing but watch as we totally ran away with a 5-1
victory. Our Ladies of the match who both produced the same averages
Emma Pearce and Vicky Pruim with a 25.91 Average.
With Cheshire now 15-9 up, the game was within our grasp and just a steady 
performance would be needed to give us the win but Oxford wouldn't let us have it
easily. The Men's A finished 6-6 but a feeling of missed opportunities meant that
the A side ended with the draw.
Joe Rowland and Jeff Fisher made the change from B side to A, with both
securing a win for Cheshire with Joe becoming the Man of the match with
a 28.67 average.
Final result was 21-15 to Cheshire.
Big thanks to all attending and to all the committee, top tables and organisers
that make the weekend run. Also a big thankyou to all players and reserves for 
all your continued efforts.
Next game is at home against Sussex where you will see some changes.

 Cheshire success after first

county game of season


During another thrilling weekend of darts, Cheshire sealed victory

against Hertfordshire with a 23-13 win.

In what is a new season for Cheshire in Division 1, they opened their season

with an inspired result with outstanding performances from across the

team for the duration of the weekend. 

Hertford were gracious in defeat and thanks to all those who played and travelled

for the weekend, it really was a fantastic weekend for all involved and from

all of us at Cheshire, we wish Hertford the best of luck for the rest of the season.

As for Cheshire, let's hope this is the start of a great season for us.

Thanks to all officials and staff involved and to the Coppenhall Club for their continued support.

Next for us is Oxford away.

See you all there.




Scott Baker Wins Cheshire Open


Image may contain: 2 people, including Sean Davis, people standing

The 2019 winner of the Cheshire Open is West Midlands Scott Baker. This is the first time Scott has lifted the Pauline Stafford memorial trophy and does so in beating Cheshire's very own Nathan Aspinall 6-1 on Sunday afternoon. From the very start of the weekend with the first darts thrown until the last dart, the Cheshire Open was welcomed by another bumper attendance with over 200 players during the weekend. 


Lisa Ashton Wins Cheshire Ladies Open

Image may contain: 2 people, people standing

The 2019 winner of the Cheshire Ladies Open is Lancashire's Lisa Ashton. Picking up the title yet again, Lisa took the title 5-1 against Linda Ithurralde. With 64 ladies entered for the competition, Lisa took the title with a 27.21 average and from all of us at Cheshire, we would like to congratulate Lisa on her success again.


From players as far north as Cleveland, Yorkshire, Lincolshire, Lancashire and players as far south as London, everyone that turned up gave their all and made sure that the whole weekend was enjoyable for all. Without the entries, none of this would happen so I would like to personally thank everyone for taking the time out to come to our event.

Other competitions from the weekend were also held, these included the men's singles warm up which was won by Cheshire's very own Andy Cope beating Adam Huckvale in a closely contested final which Andy won 5-4 with a 28.46 average.

The Men's Pairs were won by Cheshire's own Patrick Lynskey and Danny Ayres who won 3-0 against James Kempster and Chris Irvine

The Ladies Pairs were won by Ann Marie Potts and Linda Ithurralde who narrowly won 3-2 against Lisa Ashton and Vicky Pruim

The Mixed Pairs were won by Adam Huckvale and Cheshire's Lianne Lauder who won 3-0 against Kev Garcia and Eleanor Cairns

Congratulations to all our winners and thankyou to all those that entered. We are already working on Cheshire Open 2020 with dates looking likely to be 18th / 19th July 2020.

I hope to see all of you there again and maybe see some new faces.

Full results and draw sheets are below.

Cheshire Open 2019

Cheshire Ladies Open 2019

Cheshire Men's Pairs 2019

Cheshire Ladies Pairs 2019

Cheshire Mixed Pairs 2019

Cheshire Men's Warm Up



The BDO have finally released details regarding the Lakeside World Professional Championships 2019

For more details please follow the link to the BDO website

 The BDO board have also issued a promotion for all counties wherein FREE Tickets are available for spectators should they wish to attend.  This would be for the weekday afternoon sessions but a must is that if you apply for and receive tickets, you must attend or you will end up paying in full as a result.

Please click the attached to view details

BDO Ticket Promotion


Information regarding the Winmau and World Pro playoffs 2018

Please click the link for details on the Schedule for events at Bridlington starting October 3rd


A major announcement has been released from the BDO regarding the removal of restrictions placed upon PDC tour card members playing within the BDO system.
Full details available at
A big day for the BDO today as we welcome a new board and new chairman onto the committee. 
Des Jacklin was successful in his bid for the role and now is your BDO Chairman. 
A new era is upon us and assurances have been made to improve, correct and push the BDO forward. 
At present full details of Des’ plan haven’t been announced but as a county we need to support the board, work together and look toward a new outlook. Patience will be required during a massive changeover from the outgoing board. 
A special thankyou to Sue, Wayne and John Weller for all they have done over the past years. 
Also commiserations to Roger Schena in a closely contested vote against Des. I’m sure Roger will continue in his own goals within darts and I’m sure good things will come from his team. 
Cheshire Open 2018
Thankyou to all those that entered and participated in the Cheshire Open this year. Another fantastic event with a strong line up of competition players. Results from the Cheshire Open can be found on the Cheshire Open 2018 page.
A big thankyou to all that helped with the running of the weekend and to all those behind the scenes that help to make the weekend as successful as it was.
Next Game Details - Squad vs Hertfordshire - 12th & 13th October 2019 - Live Scoring for Cheshire County Games, click link and find most recent Cheshire vs link.



Details for Winmau Masters and Lakeside Qualifiers now released.  Head to competitions & qualifiers page for full address details


Following the recent introduction of the new GDPR EU regulations, the BDO has issued a new version of Superleague Registration form along with a new County Registration form.  These new forms are to be used with immediate effect and please also note the information supplied by the BDO to inform members of how their data is recorded and used.

New Superleague Registration

New County Registration

Information Regarding the use of data under GDPR



CHESHIRE OPEN – 21st & 22nd JULY 2018


MAIN OPEN Sunday 22nd July

Open to - BDO, PDC & LADIES

Registration - 9.30am - 10.30am

Pre-Paid Entry - £15.00

On Day Entry - £17.00

Best of 9 Legs,

Semi's & Final Best of 11 Legs

Winner  - £1000.00 plus Pauline Stafford Memorial Shield

Runner Up - £400.00

Semi's       - £175.00

Quarters    - £80.00

Last 16      - £30.00

TOTAL       - £2310.00

BONUS – £250 for a 9 darter (split if more than one)


Men's Warm up singles- Saturday 21st July

Money In Money Out

Registration - 9.30am - 10.30am

Entry - £10.00

Best of 7 Legs / Final Best of 9 Legs


Men's Pairs - Saturday 21st July

Registration - Closes at 2pm

Money In Money Out

Entry - £10.00 per pair

Format – 601 Best of 3 Legs

Final – 601 Best of 5 legs


Ladies Open - Saturday 21st July

EDO Ranking Points

Registration - 9.30am - 10.30am

Pre-Paid Entry - £10.00

On Day Entry - £12.00

Best of 7 Legs

Final Best of 9 Legs

Winner       - £500.00 plus Shield

Runner Up  - £200.00

Semi's        - £75.00

Quarters     - £25.00

TOTAL        - £950.00

BONUS – £250.00 for a 9 darter (split if more than one)


Mixed Pairs - Saturday 21st July

Registration - Closes at 2pm

Money In Money Out

Entry - £10.00 per pair

Format - 601 Best of 3 Legs

Final - 601 Best of 5 Legs


Ladies Pairs - Saturday 21st July

Registration - Closes at 2pm

Money In Money Out

Entry - £10.00 per pair

Format – 601 Best of 3 Legs

Final – 601 Best of 5 Legs


All Cheshire Open Entries to be sent to – Mrs Lyn Marsden. Shotwick Lodge Farm, Lodge Lane, Saughall, Chester.  CH1 6JL.  Cheques made payable to 'CHESHIRE DARTS ORGANISATION' please.


Venue will be open from 9am both days. Minimal parking is available at the Venue.  Venue is family friendly and will have a kitchen in operation, please DO NOT bring your own drinks onto the premises, if caught you will be asked to leave.

Entries can also be done online, please visit '' and follow the link for CHESHIRE OPEN 2018, entries can be done online and paid via PayPal. Pre-Entries will close on the 18th July, after this only ON DAY rates will apply.

13 Match Boards will be available on both days.







Well done to the Temple Bar Ladies in coming Runner's Up in the Champions Of Champions! The Cheshire Ladies Team consisted of 7 players, with Captain Carole Flewitt, Jane Densley, Anastasia Dobromyslova, Dawn Williams, Lyn Marsden, Loll Abley, Sally Evans & Rach Bird, along with support from team mates Lainey Webb, Helen Graham and young Aimie.
Our Ladies topped their group with ease to then overcome Yorkshire 4-1 in the Quarter Finals. Merseyside Ladies were their next challenge in the Semi's, who they beat 4-1, before falling short to Lancashire in the Final, coming down to the last leg of the day! So close for our Ladies, who continued their remarkable form for Cheshire from the Rudheath Ladies, making it a Semi's, Final and Winners in the last 3 years!
Our Men's unfortunately drew the group of death for a 2nd season running, with Yorkshire and Lincolnshire both in our group! Our only loss came to the hands of Yorkshire 7-2, who went on the win the event 9-0 in the Final. The Temple Bar Men's Team consisted of Captain Daniel Smithers, Bryn Suckley, David Bird, David Smith-Hayes, Michael Haynes, Paul Bettney, Mark Graham, Mal Barrow, Gaz Owen, Shaun Walshe, Neil Gilmartin & Matt Hunt. A big thank you to Tony Martin and the ladies for their support.
The Gold Cup played on the 1st July wasn't so successful for Cheshire. Unfortunately